Dinesh Companion Chemistry for Class 11 by Prof. SK Malhotra

Rs 1,250.00
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. Strictly based on N.C.E.R.T. text-book and covers the latest syllabi and guidelines issued by C.B.S.E.
. Written in a simple and self-explanatory language.
. Important concepts and generalisations are properly highlighted.
. Special emphasis on simple diagrams.
. Includes complete solution of N.C.E.R.T. 'in text problems' & 'chapter & exercises'.
. Special emphasis on H.O.T.S. information and H.O.T.S. questions based on it.
. Deals with latest mechanisms and stereichemistry of organic reactions special emphasis on the conversions.
. Aieee section includes level-I,II and III MCQS for the average,good and
brilliant students.
. Medical entrance corner includes MCQs,assertion reasoning questions and typical problems for C.B.S.E. pmt mains examinations.
. IIT window based on new pattern includes MCQs based on comprehensions,MCQs with single as well as more correct options and matrix match type MCQs.

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