Orient Blackswan | Anurag | Hindi Pathmala | Class 3 |

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Orient Blackswan | Anurag | Hindi Pathmala | Class 3 |

This is CCE edition of Anurag series. The book contains lesson and grammar based multiple choice questions and also other projects and higher order thinking questions and a new wordlist at the end of the book. Apart from this there are fresh and colorful and illustrations. At the end of the book text evaluation grid is provided for easy references for the teachers. The size of the book has also been enlarged to demi quarto. Difficult words are given at the beginning of the chapter and word meaning at the end of chapter. Also the pathmalas for class 6-8 have shabdkosh in the end.

About Orient Blackswan

Orient Blackswan, is an Indian publishing house headquartered in Telangana. The company publishes academic, professional and general works as well as school textbooks.

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