Admiralty's Examples in Electrical Calculations

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Admiralty's Examples in Electrical Calculations


Introduction * The Electrical Circuit * Ohm’s Law * Division of Current * Grouping of Cells * Measurement of Some Electrical Quantities * Work, Energy and Power * Heating Effect of A Current H Kirchhoff’s Laws * Application of Kirchhoff’s Laws to Distributor Cables * Magnetism and Electro-Magnetism * Faraday’s Law of Electro-Magnetic Induction * The Capacitor * The D.C. Generator /* D.C. Generator Characteristic Curves H D. C. Generators in Parallel * The D. C. Motor * Speed Control of D. C. Motors * Speed and Torque Problems Involving the Magnetisation Curve * Motor Starters Grading of Resistor * Alternating Current : Elementary Theory * Polyphase Systems * The Transformer * The A.C. Generator * The Synchronous Motor * The Induction Motor * Conversion of A.C. to D.C. * The Hot Cathode, Mercury Arc and Metal Rectifiers * Illumination.

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