Advanced Quantum Mechanics by Laxmi Publications
This book provides a coherent introduction to Gutzwiller's trace fromula accessible to well-prepared science, mathematics, and engineering students who have taken introductory courses in linear algebra, calculus, classical, and quantam mechanics.
In addition to providing an enrichment of the undergraduate curriculum, this book may serve as the primary text for graduate courses on semiclassical methods. Since periodic-orbit expansions may be used to solve all types of wave systems that typically occur in mathematics, physics, and engineering, this book is attractive for professional scientists and engineers as well. KEY FEATURES Simultaneously develops both classical and quantum mechanics, emphasizing the classical-quantum connection Contains introductory chapters on classical chaos and quantum mechanics Includes a section on Feynman's Path Integrals accessible to undergraduate students Contains an application chapter on exact periodic-orbit solutions of quantum graphs, the standard model of quantum complexity Places emphasis on cases where Gutzwiller's trace formula yields exact results Includes exercises at the end of each section and chapter to test the students' mastery of the material Instructor resources include solutions to the exercises
Product Name | Advanced Quantum Mechanics by Laxmi Publications |
ISBN / Product Code | 9789380298795 |
Author | Reinhold Blumel |
Entrance & College Books | Text Books |
Binding | Paperback |
Publisher | Laxmi Publications |
Subject : College Books | Quant.Mech. & Prop. of Matter, Engineering |
HSN Code | 4901 |