Amity Live and Let Live Value Education for Class 5
This is a Value Education series for classes I to V and based on the guidelines outlined by NCERT. A special emphasis in this series is laid on inculcating the right values, such as respecting people, patriotism, humility, time management, environment conservation, team spirit, leadership qualities, mental and physical fitness, etc.
This is a Value Education series for classes I to V and based on the guidelines outlined by NCERT. A special emphasis in this series is laid on inculcating the right values, such as respecting people, patriotism, humility, time management, environment conservation, team spirit, leadership qualities, mental and physical fitness, etc. The special features like Did You Know?, Understand the Thought and Think About It help children think beyond the text. Additionally, there are lives of great people brought alive through animated sketches.
Product Name | Amity Live and Let Live Value Education for Class 5 |
ISBN / Product Code | 9788180111358 |
Edition | 2025-26 |
Board : K12 | CBSE Board (NCERT) |
School Books | Text Books |
Select Books by Class | Class 5 |
Subject : School Books | Value Education |
Binding | Paperback |
Publisher | Amity University Press |
HSN Code | 4901 |
Company Details | Published by Amity University Press, Address - Sec- 125 , Noida. In case of any queries regarding products please call at 91-120-4392756 or e-mail at |