Arihant Study Guide Practical English Grammar & Composition

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This is a practical handbook and an easy guide to the learning of English. The book is basically aimed to help the students in learning & improving their knowledge of English Grammar & its usage. The grammar rules have been explained in a very easy & understandable language. The book has been divided into 3 Parts – Part I: Practical Grammar, Part 2: Essential Word Power & Part 3: Composition spread over 48 chapters. ‘Practical Grammar’ comprises the basic rules of grammar along with illustrations & examples, denoting the applicability of the rules. In this section, each chapter consists plenty of exercises which cover all types of questions. ‘Essential Word Power’ contains thousands of words, used in daily routine and asked about in various examinations. ‘Composition’ consists of valuable tips to attempt the comprehensions, writing précis and letter including essays, expansions, etc.

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