Arya Understanding Composite Mathematics Textbook for Part-4

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This series of Mathematics has been prepared in ten parts covering the syllabus upto middle classes. Two books–Introductory A and Introductory B are meant for pre-school. The authors have tried to explain the basic concepts of mathematics in easy to understand language. Examples from daily life have been taken to make those concepts clear. Up to part II, i.e., up to class II, the books have been made activity based and printed in multicolour. The complete series has been prepared in such a way that it helps the students to increase their understanding, thinking and reasoning power. To keep the continuity of mathematics learning, spiral approach has been adopted while presenting the different topics. The age, the mental level and the difficulties faced by students have also been kept in mind while presenting different concepts. Model Test Papers have also been given at the end of the book.

More Information
Product NameArya Understanding Composite Mathematics Textbook for Part-4
ISBN / Product Code8182960290
Board : K12CBSE Board (NCERT)
School BooksText Books
Select Books by ClassClass 4
Subject : School BooksMathematics
AuthorPraneet Gupta, RG Gupta & Sushma Nayar
PublisherArya Publishing Company
HSN Code4901
Company DetailsPublished by Arya Publishing company, Address:- 1569/30, Naiwala, Karol Bagh New Delhi-110005, New Delhi, Delhi 110005, In case of any queries regarding products please call at 011-41067632 or Email at
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