Berry Garden | Brown Cover Practice Mantra | Pravesh |

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Berry Garden Brown Cover mantra Pravesh helps the children in developing their hand-eye coordination and motor skill so that they can learn the proper formation of  Mantra Pravesh 

The Berry Garden is an eminent publisher, specialized in the preschool learning methodologies. berry garden focus is on enhancing the essential skills of the learner from the early stages in a play-way method.

The Berry Garden has been formed after a thorough study of some of the most appreciated pedagogical experts about the behaviour and minds of the pre-schoolers and the art of teaching. Their products are carefully designed by adopting practices of Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) with precision to ensure the development of multidisciplinary skills in a play-way method.

Berry Garden focuses on adopting a child-centric approach that fosters independent thinking, conceptual understanding & creative learning. Our products are consumed with the skill-based activities embraced to make early learning fun and interesting.

More Information
Product NameBerry Garden | Brown Cover Practice Mantra | Pravesh |
ISBN / Product Code9789389556964
Board : K12CBSE Board (NCERT)
School BooksText Books
Select Books by ClassKindergarten & Pre Primary
Subject : School BooksWriting Books
Children Books : Age Wise2-5 Years (Early Readers)
Children BooksNumber Skills
PublisherBerry Garden
Children Books : ReadingAlphabet
HSN Code4901
Company DetailsPublished by Harbour Press International, 4715-16, 4697/5, 21-A, 1st Floor Dayanand Road, Daryaganj, New Delhi-110002. In case of any queries regarding products please call at 91-11-41004082 or email at
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