Comprehensive Geography (Hindi Medium) For Class 12

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Unit I : Introduction Human Geography
1. Human Geography : Definition Emergence, Nature, Trend and Scope

Unit II : People
2. Population of the World : Distribution, Density and Growth
3. Population Change : Spatio-Temporal Pattern and Determinants
4. Population Composition : Age-Sex Ratio, Rural-Urban Composition
5. Human Development : Concept, Indicators, International Comparisions

Unit III : Human Activities
6. Human Activities-Primary
7. Agriculture
8. Secondary Activities : Manufacturing
9. Tertiary and Quaternary and Quinary Activities

Unit IV : Transport, Communication and Trade
10. Transport and Communication
11. International Trade

Unit V : Human Settlements
12. Human Settlements

Unit VI : Map Work

Unit VII : People of India
1. Population : Distribution, Density, Growth and Composition
2. Population Composition
3. Human Development

Unit VIII : Human Settlement
4. Rural Settlements
5. Urban Settlements

Unit IX : Resources and Sustainable Development
6. Natural Resources : Theoritical Background
7. Water Resources
8. Land Resources and Agriculture
9. Mineral and Energy Resources
10. Manufacturing Industries
11. Planning in India and Sustainable Development

Unit X : Transport, Communication and International Trade
12. Transport and Communication Networks
13. International Trade

Unit XI : Geographical Perspective on Selected Issues and Problems
14. Environmental Degradation
15. Hunger and Poverty

Unit XII : Map Work

Unit I : Processing of Data and Thermmatic Mapping
1. Source and Complation of Data, Analysis, Diarams and Maps
2. Tabulating and Processing of Data Matrix
3. Graphical Representation of Data
4. Use of Computer in Data Processing and Mapping

Unit II : Field Study or Spatial Information Technology
5. Field Survey and its Relevance in Geography
6. Spatial Information Technology and Computer Cartography in Spatial Data Processing

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