Design for RCC Slabs A Ready Reckonerby Laxmi Publications

Special Price Rs 375.00 5% off Rs 395.00
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There was need to provide opportunities to save valuable time and manpower that was required due to use of conventional method of designs.

There are a number of design handbook available in the market that supply only informative design data to the reader and one has to do further home work to arrive at details such as depth of slab, numbers and spacing of bars according to the requirements afresh every time. This design handbook has good numbers of instant designs of RCC Slabs, which is almost a new concept, most probably available first time to the users in India.

It negates the burden of repeated design calculations and the user will get the desired design data instantly from the ready reckoner design-charts provided in this handbook. Key Features User-friendly, over 13000 ready-to-use designs of RCC slabs available for all situations according to each end-conditions, whether restrained or simply supported two-way and one-way slabs. Affords helping hand to the users, eliminating the tiresome and time-consuming trial & error method of design, without any need of load calculations. Facilitates the selection of required design of slab on the basis of i) end-conditions as per IS: 456-2000, ii) span and size of slab and iii) its occupancy i.e., class if live load. All the architects, building developers and all other building construction agencies may find it practically useful. Helps in avoiding over-designs and provides economical, safe and ready-to-use under-reinforcement designs adoptable with ease and fastness.

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