Goyal Brothers Core Economics with Video Lectures for Class 11

Rs 505.00
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This Iu»ok on Statistics for Economics and Introductory Microeconomics is designed for students of Class XI pursuing Economies as per the latest syllabus prescribed by the CBSE_ The treatment of the subject is kept simple enough to be
followed by anyone who is just beginning to learn Economics as a discipline. Each concept is explained in detail and data have been given wherever necessary, Graded and comprehensive exercises are given at the end of each chapter to enable the students achieve proficiency in answering questions.

I had the opportunity to meet a large number of teachers of Economics from school all over India in the various workshops and oncntatlon programmes organised by the CBSE, K VS and MOS. It has enabled mc to learn a lot about the State Of teaching in schools. My Slncere thanks to these teachers because Interaction With them has helped me a lot in designing the contents of this book.

  • Written strictly in accordance with the latest syllabus issued by the CBSE.
  • Simple treatment Of the subject.
  • Elaborate explanation of the ConcWPtS.
  • Points to remember given at the end of each chapter.
  • Numerical problems are solved and the detailed methodology given.
  • Comprehensive exercises given at the end Of each chapter.
  • The answers Of unsolved numerical exercises given.
  • Where.rcr necessary the methodoloy of drawing diagrams have been explained.
  • Methodology of project work along with examples given.
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