Hibernate with Java-A Practical Approach by B.Mohamed Ibrahim

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Hibernate is one of the most popular open-source Object/Relational Mapping (ORM) tools. The ORM focuses on mapping the data representation from an object model to a relational data model. This book is an example-driven guide for applying Hibernate in Java applications. Many complete working examples have been provided with their corresponding output while explaining complex concepts. It also explores the new features and additional frameworks of Hibernate such as Annotation based configuration, Hibernate Validator, Hibernate Entity Manager, Lifecycle Events including Hibernate Filters. All the illustrating programs have been written using Annotations instead of writing them using complex XML based configurations.

The Hibernate installation and configuration procedure have been given with their dependencies. The popular open source database system, MySQL, has been used in most of the examples in this book.

Some of the key concepts covered in this book:

  • Hibernate Configuration, Session interface, and Specific ID Generation
  • Data Persistence and Access with Java Code
  • Data Relationship and Mapping
  • EJB 3 Persistence Model
  • Polymorphic Queries, and Native SQL Queries
  • Simplifying Complex Query Creations with Criteria Queries
  • Support for JDBC Operations
  • Query By Example (QBE)
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