Indian Economy by Ramesh Singh

Special Price Rs 658.00 8% off Rs 715.00
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Indian Economy is a comprehensive text, with detailed coverage of all topics in the UPSC Preliminary and Main syllabus. Written by a subject expert who has several books on economics, contemporary essays etc to his credit, the book is of immense importance to academics, researchers, aspirants of civil services examinations and those with an abiding passion for the subject. The book is recommended by UPSC in its reading list. The book is a stellar product, with many years of bestselling performance. The last year’s sales history is given below. 


  • Burning Socio-Economic Issues, a new chapter is being added containing ten topics
  • Contemporary issues such as—Demonetisation, Bad Bank & NPAs crisis, Twin Balance Sheet Crises, Universal Basic Income, Public Sector Asset Rehabilitation Agency (PARA), Farmers’ Suicide, Inequality, Review of the FRBM Act, Women’s Privacy, Transformative Reforms, Universal Healthcare, De-globalisation, being the major ones—covered to serve the needs of various examinations
  • Agriculture, Industry and Services sections fully revised and synchronized with the changing landscape of the economy
  • Financial Sector together with External Sector and International Organisations sections updated and revamped with the new ideas and inputs
  • Taxation and Government Budgeting sections put in sync with the changing thinking     of the Government
  • Human Development section fully revamped and revised
  • Multiple Choice Questions (Prelim) and the Model Answers (Main) chapters fully updated and revamped—added with several new questions
  • Synopsys of the Economic Survey 2017-18 and Union Budget 2017-18 added
  • Revised and revamped with India 2017, Economic Survey 2016-17, Union Budget 2017-18, India Development Report 2015 (latest) and other important documents and reports of the Government and the international institutions
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