Jal Sambharan Avam Safai Avam Pariyavaran Engineering by Gurcharan Singh

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Jal Sambharan Avam Safai Avam Pariyavaran Engineering by Gurcharan Singh


Vol-1 Jal Sambharan (Water Supply) Introduction* Sources of Water* Ground Water and Wells* Pumps* Use of Water and Rate of Consumption* Intakes, Pipes, Laying of Pipes and Their Maintenance* Quality of Water* Valves and Other Fitting* Distribution of Water* Water Treatment Processes* Plain Sedimentation* Sedimentation with Co-Agulation* Filtration* Disinfection* Miscellaneous Treatment.
Vol-2 Saffai Engineering (Sanitary Engineering) Introduction and Systems of sanitation* Systems of Sewerage* Sewer* Laying of Sewers and Maintenance* Quality of Sanitary and Storm Water* Design of Sewer* Sewer Appurtenances* Sewage Pumping* Characteristics of Sewage and its Analysis* Fundamental and Methods of Sewage Disposal* Methods of Sewage Treatment* Screening, Grit and Grease Removal* Sedimentation and Chemical Precipitation of Sewage* Sewage Filtration* Activated Sludge Process* Sludge Digestion* Septic Tank and Im-Hoff Tank* House Drainage* Sanitation of Rural Areas and Definitions of Some Miscellaneous Terms* Composting and Bio-Gas.
Vol-3 Pariyavarn Engineering (Environment Engineering) Environment and Ecology* Control of Water Pollution and Radio Activity* Air Pollution and its Control* Noise Pollution and Control* Soil Conservation and Afforestation* Non-Conventional Energy Sources* Health Aspects of Ventilation, Light and Heating* Appropriate Technology* Miscellaneous Topics* Natural Resources and Economic Development* Appendix.

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