Grow with Computer for classes 1 to 8, is a sincere effort to inculcate knowledge and awareness of information technology in young minds – the technology experts of tomorrow. The series follows the recommendations of NCF 2005 and is written in a simple and easy-to-understand language, avoiding the use of too many technical terms
Grow with Computer for classes 1 to 8, is a sincere effort to inculcate knowledge and awareness of information technology in young minds – the technology experts of tomorrow. The series follows the recommendations of NCF 2005 and is written in a simple and easy-to-understand language, avoiding the use of too many technical terms.
Books 1 to 5 focus on computer basics and development of operating skills and are supported by vivid artwork, images and snapshots for ease of comprehension. MS Paint, basics of MS Office 2010 and Windows have been introduced from class 3 onwards.
Children are exposed to the world of programming through LOGO, an interesting programming language, with very simple but powerful graphic commands.