Knowledge of grammar rules are important to have command over a language. New Approach to Functional English Grammar And Composition book includes grammar rules explained in simple way to make the learning of grammar rules more easy and interesting.
CONTENTS: Contents: 1. The Sentence 2. The Verb 3. The Non-Finites 4. Tenses 5. Modals 6. Conjunctions and Sentence Linkers 7. Active and Passive Voice 8. Reported Speech 9. Clauses and their Functions 10. Determiners and Articles 11. The Sequence of Tenses 12. Subject-Verb Concord 13. The Prepostion 14. Parts of Speech 15. The Noun 16. The Pronoun 17. The Adjective 18. The Adverb 19. The Interjection; 20. Words and Their Formations 21. Phrases and Idiomatic Expressions 22. One Word Substitution 23. The Same Word Used as Differnt Parts of Speech 24. Words Often Confused Model Test Paper Model Test Papers 1 to 5 Answers to the Model Test Papers A1. Factual Passages A2. Discursive Passages A3. Literary Passages B1. Letter Writing B2. Note-making & Summarising B3. Composition