Orient Blackswan | Navrang | Saral Hindi | Abhyas Pustika | Class 3 |
Navrang is a graded Hindi language course. It comprises two Praveshikas and eight Pathmalas and eight Abhya Pustikas, aimed at the students of pre-primary and classes 1–8 of English medium or non-Hindi medium schools of the country. Each Abhyas Pustika is linked to its repective Pathmala.
Navrang is a graded Hindi language course. It comprises two Praveshikas and eight Pathmalas and eight Abhya Pustikas, aimed at the students of pre-primary and classes 1–8 of English medium or non-Hindi medium schools of the country. Each Abhyas Pustika is linked to its repective Pathmala. This series has no primers. The language teaching begins in class 1. Well illustrated and in colour, the series is based on the NCERT guidelines for methodology, theme, subject matter and values.
Product Name | Orient Blackswan | Navrang | Saral Hindi | Abhyas Pustika | Class 3 | |
ISBN / Product Code | 9789352871148 |
Board : K12 | CBSE Board (NCERT) |
School Books | Text Books |
Select Books by Class | Class 3 |
Subject : School Books | Hindi |
Author | Sharda Bhasin |
Binding | Paperback |
Publisher | Orient Blackswan |
HSN Code | 4901 |
Company Details | Published by orient black swan, Address: - 3-6-752 Himayatnagar, Hyderabad, 500 029 Telangana . In case of any queries regarding products please call at (040) 27662849, 27662850 or email at :- centraloffice@orientblackswan.com |