Oxford New Pathways English Literature Reader for Class 6
This Book by Oxford University Press is listed in book list of Primary School for Class 6th Students and based on the CBSE Syllabus of the English Literature. This Book contains wide collections of Poetry and Prose section. Latest Edition of the Pathways Enrichment English Reader based on the curriculum of CCE Pattern of CBSE.
About Oxford New Pathways Enrichment English Reader for Class 6
Author of New Pathways Enrichment English Reader is Gayatri Khanna and designed by focusing on effective study skills. Pathways Enrichment a package of three books for Primary Classes 1 to 8: Literature Reader, Coursebook and Workbook and also provide digital resource contain audio of poems and prose given in Textbook. This is the useful resources for both Students and Teachers. This help in enrichment in learning abilities of individual.
About Publisher
Oxford World's Classics has made available the widest range of literature from around the globe over 100 years. Oxford University Press is the department of the University of Oxford since 1478. Oxford have incredible diverse Publishing programme and publish in many countries, in more than 40 languages. It covers audience from Pre-School to Secondary level children. College students, for general reader to researchers.
Product Name | Oxford New Pathways English Literature Reader for Class 6 |
ISBN / Product Code | 9780190121570 |
Edition | 2021 |
Board : K12 | CBSE Board (NCERT) |
School Books | Text Books |
Select Books by Class | Class 6 |
Subject : School Books | English |
Binding | Paperback |
Publisher | Oxford University Press |
HSN Code | 4901 |
Company Details | Published by Oxford University Press ,Address: 12th floor, World Trade Tower, 201306, Sector 16, Noida, Uttar Pradesh 201301,In case of any queries regarding books, please call Phone: 0120 451 2300 customerservice.in@oup.com |