Practical Approach To Data Structures by Laxmi Publications

Rs 90.00
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This book is intended for an upper-level undergraduate or post graduate course in algorithms, based on my experience in teaching of this course. My major goals in writing this book were : emphasize design techniques. show that algorithms are fun and exciting. include real-world applications. provide numerous worked examples and exercises This language independent data structures text enables students to first design algorithms using pseudo code (a generalized programming approach).

This book de-emphasizes the use of formal mathematical proofs in favour of developing solid working knowledge of data structures. Highlights Use of pseudo code enables students to concentrate on algorithms without having to also deal with the complexities of any programming language syntax. Students get to see the "Big picture" before coding.

This book covers the scope of data structures, including searching, sorting, linked lists, stacks, queues, trees, BST, AVL, Tree, B-trees and Heap and graphs in an easy to understand, visual approach. Major data structures? stacks, queues, linked lists, AVL trees, B-trees are explained and used as generalized abstract data types. This approach encourages the students to reuse existing code and allows them to work with data structures.

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