Pustak Mahal World Famous Great Painters (9483A)

Rs 150.00
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  • The story of painting goes as far back as 20,000 years ago, to a time when Man had not yet learned to write. He looked around the world, and tried to reproduce what he saw in drawings. Man was just a caveman in those days, and the history of art began in caves. Art has progressed through the ages. It has organized itself into different styles in terms of form, as well as content.
  • Many painters belong to certain movements, giving different treatment to space, perspective, light and colour. History tells us of many great geniuses who led such movements, and revolutionized the world of art. A few examples are Edgar Degas, Vincent Van Gogh, and Pablo Picasso who created history by initiating great movements like Impressionism, Expressionism and Cubism.
  • This book presents to you some of these great painters whose works have stood the test of time. Inevitably, we had to make many reluctant omissions, and many names had to be left out for the lack of space. We have not included living painters either.
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