Forever Books | Forever With Mathematics | Class 5 |

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Forever Books | Forever With Mathematics | Class 5 |
  • Forever With Mathematics books for class: 1

  • Learning must provide variety and challenge it must be interesting and engaging thus creating avenues for learners who are capable of working at cognitive of working at cognitive levels above their own. Boredom is a sign that the task may have become mechanically repetitive and of little value for the learner. This revised edition of the entire series conforms to the norms of Evaluation. The objective is to reorient the teaching/learning process towards making it a learner centred activity.
  • The onus lies on the teacher/facilitator to optimize the use of this book to result in efficient teaching and effective learning.
  • This series covers the latest syllabus and guidelines.
  • • Get..Set..Go..- Provides a recapitulation of the concepts learned earlier.
  • • Important Terms- Explains the new terms for easy understanding of the concepts.
  • • Math In Action- A student Activity for introducing each concept in a play way (learning by doing) method.
  • • Running Sums- Quick recapitulation and ensure retention of concepts already covered.
  • • HOTS- Questions that challenge the Mathematical Logical Mental Ability of every learner.
  • • Fun Activity/Activity- Consists of group activities to promote peer learning.
  • • Worksheet- This can be used as a tool for revision and evaluating the learners understanding of the concepts. This will also help the teacher assess the effectiveness of his/her teaching.
  • • Remember- This is to help the learners quickly recall the concepts.
  • • Knowlympiad- A mixed bag of MCQ which are conceptual Knowledge based application based and skill questions.
  • Puzzles word searches and crosswords hold the interest of the learners as well as check their knowledge throughout the reaching learning process.
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