Rachna Sagar | Together With ICSE Question Bank Computer Applications | Class 9 | 2024-25 |

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This study material of Question Bank for class 9 Computer Applications is prepared by our team of expert professional faculty and authors, who very well understand the concepts and logics behind all facts and explain them in the book in a simplified format. This Chapter-wise study material for class 9 is prepared as per the latest syllabus for Academic Session 2023-24.


  • The text in ICSE class 9 Computer Applications Book is primarily designed to equip the students with correct guidance and practice material to prepare them for getting excellent marks in the exams.
  • This Computer Applications study material will develop thinking skills of the students so that they are able to grasp the examination rubrics and marking scheme of the paper.

Key Features

  1. Chapter at a Glance: The book comprises 8 chapters. Every chapter opens up with the Chapter at a Glance, which has a flowchart for a brief understanding of the topics covered in the chapter.
  2. Important Terms and Definitions: This section includes definitions and explanations including chemical reactions/equations (wherever required) to enable students to have a quick and thorough revision of the chapter.
  3. Topic-wise Solved and Practice Questions:  In this section, Solved Questions (created questions) along with Topic-wise Practice Questions are provided to cater to the needs of all categories for the learners. Integrated (mixed) questions are given to practice the concepts in-depth.


  1. Self-evaluation Tests (Level 1, 2 and 3): The level wise tests are given at the end of every chapter of ICSE class 9 Computer Applications Book to test the student’s learning by allowing learners’ multiple ways of self-assessment. 
  2. Practice Papers: Carefully designed 5 Practice Papers (2 Solved, 3 Unsolved—Answers available at www.gowebrachnasagar.com) are given in this section, which prepare the students to face the examination with full confidence.
  3. Internal Assessment: Internal Assessment of Practical Work of 20 Marks has been given separately to provide the format of assignments/project work.

We hope this Computer Applications study material for class 9 would help students to get through the ICSE Examination with flying colors. From the teachers’ point of view too, this book is a good assignment material for the students.

Why ICSE Together With Computer Applications for Class 9?


The pattern and contents of this ICSE board Question Bank for Class 9 Computer Applications have been significantly improved to match the ICSE updated syllabus. This is an ideal study material for preparing, drilling and improving one’s abilities to tackle the ICSE Examinations, without any stress and scores.

What’s more?

You can buy the E-BOOK of this ICSE Question Bank for Class 9 Computer Applications get 25% Discount! The E-book makes it easy for a student to study anywhere, anytime through our online platform. After buying, one can download the E-Book and study offline too.

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