Ratna Sagar Living Science for Class 5

Special Price Rs 410.00 2% off Rs 419.00
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In Living Science, every effort has been made to give simple, interesting and joyful experiences for the young minds that will help them learn basic facts and rules about the world around them. Easy, yet meaningful, activities provide ample opportunities to each child for active involvement in learning, sharing materials and ideas and in satisfying his/her wonder and curiosity. The series focuses on helping children understand the diversity in the environment and the wonder of life processes. This will enable them to develop a scientific attitude and, more importantly, a love for their environment.

Salient Features Of The Series

The silver jubilee edition of Living Science 0 to 8 conforms to the vision of the National Curriculum Framework. This edition is enriched not only with an updated text and new lively and colourful illustrations but also with . . .

  • GET SET (lead-in activities) In-text questions
  • New activities
  • HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Skills) questions
  • Subject links
  • Teacher’s notes
  • SCICTIONARY, a dictionary of scientific terms
  • Science facts
  • Beautiful photographs
  • Weblinks
  • Pictures of children performing yoga
  • Guided answers for children
  • Technology and You

. . . and the Science Virtual Resource Centre www.science.ratnasagar.co.in

‘known-to-unknown’ approach has been followed in developing the concepts using the experimental method wherever possible.
Relevant asides (not in the syllabus) have been included to enrich the children’s understanding of each topic. Important activities and scientific concepts relevant to the topic have been inserted to enhance the text. The main concepts and sub-concepts in each chapter are clearly listed.

  • Exhaustive and varied exercises based on the Board Examination pattern test knowledge, understanding and application of concepts learnt.
  • The new HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Skills) questions section will greatly enhance the development of independent thinking skills.
  • The section In the Library provides extra information about the topics in the chapter.
  • The new My Virtual Library section lists websites from where children can get more information, see videos and perform activities.
  • The section In the Laboratory motivates children to work on experiments and projects.
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