The matter has been presented in a very simple and lucid style and is selfexplanatory. There are 270 solved illustrations in the section relating to Business Statistics. There are about 450 solved examples to explain various mathematical techniques. Each mathematical concept is illustrated with solved examples which have been designed to clarify the principles involved.
This main features of this book are : The matter has been presented in a very simple and lucid style and is selfexplanatory. There are 270 solved illustrations in the section relating to Business Statistics. There are about 450 solved examples to explain various mathematical techniques. Each mathematical concept is illustrated with solved examples which have been designed to clarify the principles involved. BUSINESS STATISTICS Introduction to Statistics Classification and Tabulation Diagrammatic and Graphic Presentation Measures of Central Tendency Measures of Variation Correlation Analysis Regression Analysis Index Numbers Analysis of Time Series Interpretation of Data List of Symbols, Abbreviations and Formulae Statistical Tables BUSINESS MATHEMATICS Matrices and Determinants Applications of Matrices and Determinants Functions, Limits and Continuity Simple Differentiation Applications of Differentiation Integration and Its Applications Mathematics of Finance