Studio Factory - Photoshop 6 by Christophe Aubry
This title from the Studio Factory collection gives details of all the features of Photoshop 6, the world?s best known image editing application. It covers how to use the various file formats managed by photoshop, including Web-specific formats; using layers and channels on an image; how to master all the different selection techniques; creating image clipping paths;producing original special effects with tools and techniques such as layer styles, filters, masks, text warping, colour mode conversion and colour retouching; using actions to automate your work. You are a professional in the area of computer graphics or multimedia or you use the software in your free time.
The team at ENI Publishing has designed the Studio Factory collection to answer all the questions you ask yourself as you are working with these applications. Each of the books sets out all the features of the software in detail with plenty of pertinent illustrations. You will find them ideal for day-to-day reference. Technical terms specific to the domain covered are defined in a glossary.
Product Name | Studio Factory - Photoshop 6 by Christophe Aubry |
ISBN / Product Code | 9788131803134 |
Author | Christophe Aubry |
Entrance & College Books | Text Books |
Binding | Paperback |
Publisher | Laxmi Publications |
Subject : College Books | Computer Science |
HSN Code | 4901 |