Versatile Math Booster for Class 7

Special Price Rs 533.00 8% off Rs 580.00
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Versatile Math Booster for Class 7

Math booster comprises 8 books for classes 1 to 8 designed by a team of experienced practicing teachers, the series focuses on developing logical thinking and problem-solving skills in children. it also aims at developing a positive attitude in the minds of the children towards mathematics. 

Key Features: 

  • Colorful illustrations and pictorial depictions of concepts develop the interest of learners and help them understand better. 
  • Builds confidence, speed, and basic mathematical concepts and breaks them down into simpler steps for a clear understanding. 
  • Takes abstract and basic mathematical concepts and breaks them down into simpler steps for a clear understanding.
  • Skills drill (revision exercises) hots puzzle time mental ability and lab activity for the round development [emnyt of the children in the subject. 
  • Revision tests model test papers. 
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