Arihant Study Guide Idioms & Phrases by Roshan Tolani

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This book covers the most fascinating aspects of English Language – the Idioms & Phrases, which are used in all forms of language be it informal and formal, spoken and written. Understanding and appropriate use of idioms and phrases greatly enhances the learner’s language skills.
The present book ‘Idioms and Phrases for All Competitive Examinations’ is a collection of more than 2000 idiomatic phrases that occur frequently in English. The book explains the meaning and use of these expressions in a clear and precise way. Every idiom given in this book is explained with an example based on meaningful sentence. The book contains traditional idioms and phrases, idiomatic compounds, similes and comparisons and some selected sayings and clichés. The book has been divided into number of chapters as per the alphabets of English with words supplemented by a number of skill-building exercises along with keys at the end of the book. This book aims to help the aspirants not only as a comprehensive reference book but also as a valuable learning tool.

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