Bhikshu Mahatma Devesh The Mahabharata and Management

Special Price Rs 423.00 6% off Rs 450.00
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  • If one aspires to be an effective manager, it is extremely important to imbibe universal values and acquire spiritual wisdom in addition to professional knowledge and technical expertise. But a mere theoretical statement of management principles or the value system would not be effective at all. What one requires is an interplay of   these principles and values in real-life situations so that they stand out in a concretised form and one is able to grasp them spontaneously.  This is what happens in the Mahabharata.
  • Take any conceivable situation, think of any character of any status, and you have it in the Mahabharata. Besides, different characters embody   different  approaches  to  that situation, illumine different perspectives from which it can be viewed, and through their interaction reveal all its complexities and the consequences it would inevitably lead to.
  • That explains why the Mahabharata should be an integral part of all management curricula and why all aspirants to a successful managerial career should carefully read it and digest it.
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